Reply Mode
Selecting the message type
- Text (Send your text)
- Repost (Sending a repost)
- Sending from a postbot (create a post in a postbot and add a post id: messages with buttons, videos and all sorts of postbot functions)
Spammer type
- Reply Mode
Specify the waiting time for a response from the user
- For example, 60 seconds, if the user responds within this time, a second message will be automatically sent to him, if not, the program will terminate work with this user. Maximum time 36000 seconds
Pin the message
- If yes, indicate the time in seconds
Notify about pinning?
- If yes, check the box
Enter the text you want to send
- If you need to send random messages, then use the formula: {Message1|Message2|Message3|Message4} or in this format {1|2|3|4} {1|2|3|4} - the message/word will be randomly taken from the first brackets and from the second You can add any number of messages in brackets, separating them with the "|" sign, as well as any number of sets of messages in brackets.
Add random characters to the end of the message
- If required, check the box, random characters will be added at the end of the message
Add noise to an image
- Check the box to make the same image unique
Image for the message
- Add one or many images.
-If there is more than one image, they will be randomly added to messages.
If all the settings are made, the accounts for work are loaded, click "Run task"
Last updated